Anton paar viscosity index calculator
Anton paar viscosity index calculator

anton paar viscosity index calculator

Click Calculate to get KV As previously stated, use Clear button to start a new calculation. Enter kinematic viscosity (KV) in the second row. Similarly with known viscosity index (VI) and viscosity It is possible to calculate viscosity For example enter viscosity index (VI) in the first row of second table. Calculate Viscosity possibility is to calculate kinematic viscosity from viscosity index. Finally, press Clear button to start again.

anton paar viscosity index calculator

Click Calculate button to get viscosity index (VI).

anton paar viscosity index calculator

In the first row table 1, Enter kinematic viscosity (KV) at 40☌, In the same way enter kinematic viscosity in the second row. To calculate viscosity index we need viscosity of an oil both at 40☌ and 100☌. Standard practice for viscosity index (VI) calculation as per ASTM D2270 and ISO 2909.

Anton paar viscosity index calculator